FDOT Procurement Search

How to find FDOT Projects & Consultants

DOT Intel has a great search tool that allows you to quickly and easily search for FDOT projects, consultants and more!

Search for FDOT Projects and Consultants
Search for FDOT Projects and Consultants

At the top of every page of DOT Intel is a search box that behind the scenes has some amazing functionality. Here’s how it works:

Search by Advertisement Number

Every FDOT Advertisement has a 5-digit advertisement number. The first two digits represent the Fiscal Year, the next digit represents the District, and the final two digits are simply to identify different projects.

DOT Intel allows you to search for a specific project by advertisement number, just enter into the search bar and press enter or click “Search”

Search for FDOT Projects by Advertisement Number
Search for FDOT Projects by Advertisement Number

Search by Financial Management Number / FPID

Another way to identify projects is by the Financial Management Number or FPID (these terms are often used interchangeably). The first six digits of the Financial Management Number identify all projects related to a specific location and type of work.

DOT Intel allows you to search using any portion of the Financial Management Number, as long as it includes at least the first six digits, and can include or not include the hyphens.

Search for FDOT Projects by Partial Financial Management Number
Search for FDOT Projects by Partial Financial Management Number
Search for FDOT Projects by Financial Management Number
Search for FDOT Projects by Financial Management Number
Search for FDOT Projects by Financial Management Number with Hyphens
Search for FDOT Projects by Financial Management Number with Hyphens

Search by Firm or Person

It is also handy to be able to quickly search for FDOT consultant firms and the people who work on FDOT projects at those firms.

DOT Intel lets you perform searches as well, matching with any string entered, as shown below. Searching for “stan” shows people with “stan” in their first or last names (blurred here for privacy), and also shows firms like “Stanley Consultants” and “Stantec Consulting Services”.

Search for FDOT Consultants and Project Managers
Search for FDOT Consultants and Project Managers

Search by Full-Text in Projects

DOT Intel also allows you to search across all projects using a comprehensive full-text search. This search allows you to search FDOT Project Names, Descriptions and Notes.

In the example below, you can see that searching for “parking” returns a number of projects, some of which have “parking” in the Project Name, others have the term somewhere in their Description or in the Notes.

Search for FDOT Projects Full Text
Search for FDOT Projects Full Text