FDOT Project Numbers: FM and FPID Numbers Demystified
Have you ever wondered about the project development process for the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and how phase is correlated to FDOT Project Numbers?
FDOT projects are tracked by a file naming convention commonly referred to as Financial Management (FM) or Financial Project Identification (FPID) number. Understanding the FM and FPID number can assist with your project pursuits and researching other projects. These FDOT Project Numbers include item number, segment, phase, and sequence number, with dashes typically removed.
These 11 digits are defined as follows:
Project Item Number: The assigned, sequential, six-digit number used to identify each project by its location or type of work.
Item Segment: The item segment is used to partition a project for scheduling or funding reasons. Item segments may be used when the boundaries of construction projects are different from the preliminary engineering and/or right of way (R/W) phase of a project.
Project Phase: This phase identifies the various major areas of work performed as part of the project development process.
Financial Project Sequence Number: This is the use of different financial project sequences to collect costs and/or isolate the project amount in FDOT’s tracking system. For example, joint participation agreements with different utility companies should each carry a different sequence number.
Breaking down the Project Phases:
The FDOT Project Number follows the project development and delivery process. This process begins with a planning study and ends with construction for FDOT to then maintain the corridor. For each project phase there is a phase number that correlates.

FDOT project names and descriptions also follow a naming convention:
- Roadway projects: SRxxx (USxxx) Local Name from [..]
- Intersection projects: SRxxx (USxxx) Local Name @ SRxxx (USxxx) Local Name Intersection
- Interchange projects: Use a “/” when identifying an interchange, e.g. I-xx/I-xx. If one or both legs of the interchange are state or local roads, put the local name in parentheses: SR 688 (Ulmerton Rd.)
- Interstate projects: I-xx (SRxxx) Local Name
Understanding the FDOT Project Numbers is helpful for consultants who plan to work with the FDOT as they plan their pursuit processes. Click here to register for free and start using DOT Intel today.